IT/Dev Connections San-Francisco

Event Info
Community Driven. Expert Led.
Session Info
Bot-Tender: A Chat Bot Walks into a Bar
Chat bots are a rising and exciting new way to interact with your users and engage them wherever they are. You most probably have a web site and you might have a mobile application. But do you have a chat bot? Be it in Slack, Skype, Facebook or anywhere else – your users are already there, so why not allow them to interact with your service directly from there in a human, natural way?
In this session you’ll get to know the Microsoft Bot Framework and the Azure Bot Service, as we use them to build a real live bot bartender on stage and tackle all of the development issues one by one.
Why Don’t You Understand Me? Build Cognitive Services into Your Apps
Artificial Intelligence is not something exotic anymore. We want to interact with our apps in the most natural way, and we want our apps to act intelligently – personalize our experience, predict what we want to do next, or remove some of the heavy lifting we do on our daily lives. Traditionally, this required building sophisticated AI models, but today – everyone can do it! In this session we’ll see how we can add vision, language and speech into our applications using Azure Cognitive Services, making them smarter than ever before. Stand out from the crowd – bring intelligence into your apps!
This Windows Developer Gets a Container! That Windows Developer Gets a Container!! Everybody Gets a Container!!!
Docker containers are all the rage nowadays. But what about all of us Windows developers? In this session I’ll show you what are Windows Containers and how to use them to easily package and deploy your Windows applications, services and IIS apps using standard and familiar Docker tools.